
Monday, 21 December 2009

I finally did it!

Well, I finally did it, I've started a blog!

What's it all about well me and papercrafting really, cardmaking, scrapbooking, 3D papercraft...oh and I suspect there'll be a bit about old buildings and cats thrown in for good measure.

Let's get this 'published' and see how I go!

I hope to see you back here soon


  1. Hi Clare,
    Welcome to blogland :) Looks like you are a cat fan too! would love to see some pictures of your cats if you have any? We've got three at the moment, but youngest daughter(20) is visiting Wood Green soon to get another!! .....should be fun & games for a while :)
    Love to see some cards too!

    Carol x

  2. Hi Carol,
    Thank you. I sadly don't have a cat at the moment, but I'm occassionally cat sitting.

    'Feliway' is a good calmer and helps with the introduction of new cats...I used to rescue... I hope the cats get on well.

    I've managed to get a card on the blog, so please take a look, It took over an hour, I hope I can do it quicker the next time. LOL.

  3. Hi Clare,

    Congrats on your blog which I arrived at via ILWS. I'm looking to create a blog sometime during 2010.

    By the way, love the card. Classic colour combo.

    Pauline x
